March 20, 2009. Wind Turbine in Automatic Mode and Generating Power to the Grid.

The Wind turbine was placed into full automatic mode and is generating power to the National Grid distribution system. As the wind picks up, the turbine system will automatically sense sufficient wind to make power come up to speed and place itself on the Grid. As the wind dies down it will take itself off the Gird and stop. Don't be concerned if the wind turbine is moving slower than the one at the Portsmouth Abbey, or even stopped when the Abbey's is turning. Our wind turbine has a sophisticated control system that senses and starts the turbine and minimizes 'windmilling" time that minimizes unnecessary wear and tear on the machine. Ours also rotates at varying speeds (11 RPM to 19 RPM) while the Abbey's goes at a constant 29 RPM (but only produces about 44% of the power that ours does). We have a few days of checking the documentation of specifications and test before we accept ownership of the wind turbine. After we accept the turbine, we expect a period of "shakedown" where they may be some problems to correct. However, when we negotiated our contract with the manufacturer, they ageedd to not only a guaranteed power output of the generator, but also a 90% availability for the first 6 months and a 95% availability for the first 2 years. During that time, the manfacturer will pay us the equivalent of the energy generated when the turbine is not operating due to mechanical or electrical problems.

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